Me and My Trees and my New Landlord

The third time I met the new guy who never shook my hand or gave me a business card. I was sitting with my dog Luna as we often do along a sunlit grassy strip under my windows. My neighbor and her 2nd grade daughter had just finished talking about how ‘They” just made her get rid of a cute little spice garden they set up tucked under the stairs.” Obviously with a tree specialist, they were looking at all our trees. My neighbor then told me they are chopping them down. I looked at the man (claiming to be my landlord) and asked, “You’re taking down my tree?” He said, “Your tree?” I thought to myself: But I love my trees, I am a photographer and a press photographer, I have access. Look at my trees.

What a horrible statement I had made, I was being possessive after all I including that tree were his possessions, Of course I realized that immediately, faux pas? Here are a few more memorable trees.

Any philanthropist who maintains such a beautiful bunch of trees as in Beverly Gardens Park could have jumped in any time to save “My Tree”

Please tell me Who Is My Landlord?